Mission, Preservation, Vision

The Natchitoches Historic District Business Association is a not-for-profit organization comprised of business owners and the like who strive to promote Natchitoches, encourage visitation and provide support for events and festivals.
As our mission says, Main Street Natchitoches strives to preserve and enhance the area as the heart of Natchitoches; That communicates a sense of community pride, heritage, and small town wholesomeness; and provides for a successful community.
The vision of Main Street Natchitoches:
- draws on its unique sense of place to provide residents and visitors an authentic Natchitoches experience
- enhances the quality of life for residents and visitors by supporting a comfortable and attractive environment of accessible, pedestrian friendly streets and outstanding public spaces
- encourages business development, employment opportunities and merchants that offer a unique Main Street experience,
- protects, preserves, and promotes its heritage, historic assets, and architecture for the enjoyment of current and future generations and
- celebrates and shares its authenticity by maintaining a vibrant setting for cultural experiences, dining, the arts, entertainment, community festivals, and tourism
Main Street Natchitoches, thriving with family-friendly events, shopping, great restaurants and an enriched southern history. Membership to HDBA & Main Street ensures the continuation of events and beautification/preservation of our historic square and supports our 4-point approach to preserve and enhance the Town Square Area in the following ways:
- Design. Enhancing the physical elements of downtown while capitalizing on the unique assets that set the commercial district apart.
- Economic Vitality. Making the most of a community’s unique sense of place and existing historic assets, harnessing local economic opportunity and creating a supportive business environment for small business owners and the growing scores of entrepreneurs, innovators and locals alike.
- Promotion. Position the downtown or commercial district as the center of the community and the hub of economic activity while creating a positive image that showcases a community’s unique characteristics.
- Organization. Ensuring that all organizational resources (partners, funding, volunteers, etc.) are mobilized to effectively implement the Community Transformative Strategies.
Director: Jill Leo
President Elect:
Under Construction